I have always watched others flaunting on the camera ; showing of their newly bought items. I have been contemplating with myself wether or not to make an actually youtube channel which is dedicated to my love of make up and clothes...oh, and don't forget shoes. There are hundreds of Gurus in the youtube world and i will just me small picture at the side with 3 views - do I risk humilation and hours of videoing/editing, when I myself am completely clueless on how to do a good right video. Oh and don't think i've not had my share of pure disgrace trying to be like one of them sounding posh and what not - showing my brushes : waiting for the auto focus to kick in and using my palm as a background to get a clearer view. Yeah, i've dont it all - but I ended up with outrages bloopers and bad lighting AND crappy editing tool. The idea is there but the execution is still in question. Conclusion is, I am undecided and just waiting for the right moment to pluck up the goddam courage and post it to the worlwide audience. Wish me luck.
P.S This might be an utterly pointless blog and it's just me talking a load of Sh*! but there is a good reason why I write this and it is to strengthen my writing for my english A-levels! ...Well I think its a good idea but give me a couple of weeks and i will retire haha. No one will probably view my blog so I write to myself in the end...unless I become a youtube hit ;) highly unlikely, but a girl can dream. Also perhaps when i look back at this in the nearer future I will have a good read at my blog to bring back old memories meeehhh too corny!